Is It Safe to Travel Alone As A Woman In 2024? I’ve experienced great, terrible, and everything in between while travelling the world by myself for over eight years. 

I was lucky enough to learn more about myself and how to stay safe while travelling alone than I ever thought possible.

Travelling by yourself is so freeing and educational. Everyone should do it at least once in their life. It teaches you a lot about the world and yourself. 

But is it safe for women to travel by themselves? Yes, but there are some things you should know first. 

Being a woman means you should take extra steps to stay safe. 

This guide has some of my best advice on staying safe as a woman travelling alone. 

24 Tips for Staying Safe As A Solo Female Traveler

Here are some of my best safety tips for women travelling alone… 

1. Dress like a local

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

a person going from a flower valley to a snowy mountain 

This one is very debatable. In theory, women should be able to dress however they want wherever they go, but in practice, that is not possible. 

Over the years, one of the most valuable things I’ve learned from travelling alone is how to blend in. One way to do this is to dress like a local when needed. 

If that means putting your hair up, then do it. You can also wear loose clothes, have long sleeves, etc. If you want to know about local customs, you should research them. 

Not drawing attention to yourself on the road is an excellent way to get some alone time. 

2. Don’t get wasted 

You might meet other travellers in a hostel. They all want to go out at night and see what the city offers. 

You can have fun going out with new people and having drinks, dancing in a club, or meeting new people in a bar, but know your limits. 

Before you go on a trip by yourself, you should never get drunk. This will put you at risk for many problems. 

You can read about Caz’s recent trip to the Peloponnese and Nafplio by herself, where she drank less alcohol to stay safe! 

3. Don’t tell people where you’re staying 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

It should be obvious: if you are a woman travelling alone and meeting people, don’t tell them where you are staying, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. 

No one needs to know the name of your hotel. If you want to meet someone, don’t go to their hotel. Instead, meet at a nearby landmark or point. 

Most of the time, nothing wrong will happen, but being careful is always a good idea. 

Note from Caz: Since we posted about our travels on social media, I only posted about my hotel once I left the property and reached my next destination. I also wait a day before sharing so no one knows where I am. 

4. If you feel uncomfortable alone, join a day tour 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

Many people were sceptical and scared of me when I went to Turkey by myself in 2023, right after the murder of an American woman travelling alone. I almost cancelled my flights because of all the doubt and fear. 

Thanks to my stubbornness, I was determined to see what was happening. I was still scared to walk around Istanbul alone, so I signed up for tours to learn more about the city. 

Turkey Flavours took me on a tour of a market and a spice shop and to cooking classes.

It was a great way to get to know Turkey and helped me feel at ease when I was there by myself later on. 

There are also free walking tours that you can take. These are great ways to meet other travellers and learn about the people and history of the city. 

5. Avoid being “forward” when necessary 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

Many cultures worldwide see outgoing women as “forward.” You should always keep this in mind. 

This could mean making eye contact with men on the street, talking too much to people in stores, or wearing tight clothes. 

I’m outgoing and enjoy talking to new people and seeing familiar faces on the road. But over the years, I’ve learned to be more careful because too many men have thought I was trying to hook up with them or go out with them when I was just being myself. 

Also, watch out when taking pictures with men; they might get the wrong idea. The image above shows Caz in Jerash, Jordan, with a bagpipe player.

Taking a photo with them (for a tip!) was touristy. If not, she wouldn’t have taken a picture with a stranger. 

6. Learn to read situations

As a woman travelling alone, it is very important to learn how to read people and situations. If something makes you feel uncomfortable or nervous, leave right away. 

It is not essential to avoid being rude or offending other people. The most important thing is to stay safe and yourself. 

Trust your gut; it will tell you a lot about what’s going on. It’s helpful to trust your gut. No matter what, go with your gut. 

7. Book a few things in advance 

Unplanned arrival in a new city or place at night is one of the worst things that can happen to me while travelling. 

I like to “wing it” when I travel, but I book things ahead of time for when I get off the plane in a new place or when I know I’ll be getting there at night, just in case something goes wrong. 

8. Carry a doorstop

A small plastic doorstop is one of the best things I can tell women travelling alone. 

It’s great to put under weak hotel room doors at night if someone tries to get in. It only takes up room. 

9. And also a whistle

You never know when you might need a safety whistle on a trip. Many great backpacks have whistles built into the straps. 

10. Trust your instincts 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

You will learn to trust your gut on the road over time, which will be very helpful as a solo traveller. 

It’s great to gain experience on the road. 

If you’re a woman travelling alone for the first time, go somewhere where people speak the same language, where there aren’t many people, or where the place is very tourist-friendly. 

Iceland or New Zealand are great places to start for women travelling alone. When you feel ready, move on to harder places like India or Egypt. 

That is, without a doubt, the safest country in Southeast Asia. 

Of course, everyone learns and has different instincts, so what works for me might not work for you. But that being said, my best advice is to learn to trust your gut! 

11. Share on Social Media

It’s good to disconnect sometimes, but social media can help people know where you are and what you’re up to. 

For your family and friends to know what to do if you don’t post on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, let them know how often you plan to post. 

12. Get Uber instead of taxis

Ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft can be a safer way to get from point A to point B than taxis. 

They let you share your journey with others and track it in real-time. 

Before you get in, check the driver’s ID and make sure the license plate numbers match. 

13. Keep batteries and devices charged 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

Sometimes, we forget to charge our phones, and they die while we’re hiking. You can’t change this when you’re travelling. 

It could be bad for you if your phone runs out of power. You can only see where you are and call for help if needed. 

Always keep your batteries charged. 

14. Stay in hostels 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

Hostels are great places to stay for shy people and people who are afraid of being alone. 

You can meet new people and leave your comfort zone at hostels. 

Besides that, they are the cheapest way for solo travellers to stay. 

15. Get travel insurance

If you don’t have it, you never need it. With travel insurance, you don’t have to worry about what might go wrong, like getting robbed or having an accident. 

It’s much better to pay $50 a year for travel insurance than to get a $50,000 medical bill after an accident. This post talks about the pros of getting travel insurance once a year. 

16. Be aware of your surroundings

Learning about the “no-go” areas of cities you plan to visit is always a good idea. This will help you become more aware of your surroundings and know what to expect. 

If you hear someone running, pay attention to the person behind you. It could be a regular jogger or someone who wants to hurt you. 

17. Know where your embassy is 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

You should always know where your embassy is so you know what to do if something goes wrong. 

If you lose your passport, your embassy can help you. They will also work with the police if something wrong happens. 

18. Lock your valuables up 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

Many hotels and hostels offer safes or lockers to keep your valuables when you stay there. 

While away, lock up your jewellery, laptops, cameras, and other valuables in the safe. 

If there isn’t a locker or safe, bring a padlock with you. That way, you can lock your bag and leave it somewhere safe in your room. 

19. Get a local SIM card

With this, you can always have data, calls, and texts to get needed help. 

Buying an eSIM is the best thing to do if you have an unlocked phone. It is simple and automatic, and you don’t have to look for a SIM card and figure out how it works everywhere you go. AirAsia is our favourite e-sim provider

20. Be aware of cultural norms

Learning about the culture and traditions of a new country is the best way to feel safe there. 

Before you go to the Middle East, learn that people dress modestly. It would help if you did the same. 

One of the worst things that can happen to you on the road is offending people because you haven’t researched the cultural norms. 

21. Carry pepper spray or a rape alarm

Some people think this is scary, and depending on where you go, you might need these things. 

If you’re going to a dangerous place, like South Africa, you should bring these things with you so you can use them as weapons if necessary. But if you’re going to Europe, you probably won’t need this much safety. 

22. Don’t feed into harassment

You should not allow someone to hurt you if you think they are trying to do so. 

This means don’t answer back, stay calm, and don’t look at them. Instead, try to walk away and not interact with them. 

When they see that you’re not giving them what they want, they usually give up and move on. 

23. Carry valuables in pockets, not bags 

Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

You don’t need a bag if you only carry your wallet, keys, and phone. Put your things in a pocket instead of a bag. 

Thieves who steal bags are very common, so don’t put anything valuable in your bag. Your valuables will be much safer that way. 

24. Bring all medication from home

Bring all your prescriptions from home and some extra ones, just in case. Also, bring painkillers, diarrhoea pills, and any other medicines you might need in case you get sick. 

Do not buy medicines from local drug stores. They might not work or be what they say they are. Here is our list of medical items to pack. 

Final Thoughts on Safety for Solo Female Travelers

I understand these tips might seem too much or even scary, but know that you probably won’t have any problems on your solo trip. 

If you follow this advice and stay on the tourist path, you will have some life-changing experiences that will only make you feel good. 

It’s easy to focus on the wrong things, and many people will try to scare you into not going alone. But remember that everyone sees the world differently. 

You can find the real world out there and explore it. 

FAQ: Is It Safe To Travel Alone As A Woman

Q1: Is it safe to travel solo as a female?

A1: Solo female travel safety depends on factors like destination, preparation, and awareness. Research and choose safe locations, stay vigilant, and follow common-sense safety measures.

Q2: Where is the safest place for a woman to travel alone in the US?

A2: Safety can vary, but cities like Portland, Seattle, and Austin are often considered safe for solo female travelers. Always research the latest safety tips for your chosen destination.

Q3: Is it safe to stay in a hotel alone as a woman?

A3: Yes, it can be safe to stay in a hotel alone as a woman. Choose reputable accommodations, check reviews, and inform someone of your whereabouts. Utilize hotel security features.

Q4: What are the risks of traveling alone?

A4: Risks of solo travel include theft, harassment, and unexpected emergencies. Mitigate risks by staying informed, having a plan, and sharing your itinerary with someone trustworthy.

Q5: How can women enhance their safety while traveling alone?

A5: Women can enhance safety by researching destinations, staying aware of surroundings, avoiding isolated areas at night, and having emergency contacts and local authorities’ information on hand.

More Solo Travel Tips

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